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Quick Evaluation

A server is available at loaded with INSTRUCTOR_LARGE for testing purposes - it accepts gRPC requests. Here is an example using grpcurl:

# brew install grpcurl
grpcurl -d '{
"model_class": "ModelClass_INSTRUCTOR",
"3D ActionSLAM: wearable person tracking ...",
"Inside Gohar World and the Fine, Fantastical Art"
"Represent the Science title:",
"Represent the Magazine title:"
}]}' \ api.Api/Encode
"results": [
"embedding": [
"embedding": [

embedds also provides a HTTP endpoint (via envoy) allowing you to accomplish the above using a call to curl:

curl \
-X POST http://host.docker.internal:50052/encode \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"data": [{
"model_name": "INSTRUCTOR_LARGE",
"model_class": "ModelClass_INSTRUCTOR",
"text": [
"3D ActionSLAM: wearable person tracking ...",
"Inside Gohar World and the Fine, Fantastical Art"
"instructions": [
"Represent the Science title:",
"Represent the Magazine title:"